___ _____        _                _         _               _
 |_ _|_   _|   ___| |__   ___  __ _| |_   ___| |__   ___  ___| |_
  | |  | |    / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __| / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ __|
  | |  | |   | (__| | | |  __/ (_| | |_  \__ \ | | |  __/  __/ |_
 |___| |_|    \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__| |___/_| |_|\___|\___|\__|

 # shell
 # 0. command or attribution?
 # 1. solve redirections
 # 2. expand {}
 # 3. replace variables
 # 4. replace meta characters: *, ?
 # 5. replace aliases, verify if a file exists, and its permissions
 # 6. send command to kernel

 # debian
 # to check debian version
 lsb_release -a

 # to clean /var/cache
 sudo apt clean

 # ways to clean /var/log/journal
 sudo journalctl --rotate

 sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=100M   # limit logs to 100 Mb
 sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=5d     # delete logs older than 5 days
 sudo journalctl --vacuum-file=2      # restrict number of log files

 # Note: The “–vacuum-files” option will not delete the files that are currently active or in use.
 # need to restart service after commands above
 sudo service systemd-journald restart

 # Reference
 # https://itslinuxfoss.com/fix-big-var-log-journal/
 # https://linuxhandbook.com/clear-systemd-journal-logs/

 # generating ssh key
 ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C <e-mail> -f <keyfile>
 chmod 600 <private keyfile>

 emacs: $HOME/.emacs
 /etc/bashrc contains system wide aliases and functions;
 /etc/profile contains system wide environment stuff and startup programs;
 $HOME/.bashrc contains user aliases and functions;
 $HOME/.bash_profile contains user environment stuff and startup programs;
 $HOME/.inputrc contains key bindings and other bits.

 rm -i;cp -i;mv -i;ls -ld

 It's a good idea to let new users have a few configuration files ready
 when they first log in. Put the following files in /etc/skel:
  .bashrc .bash_profile .bash_logout .inputrc .less .xinitrc
  .fvwmrc .fvwm2rc95 .Xmodmap .Xdefaults .jedrc .abbrevs.sl. joerc

 The user can overwrite values set in /etc/profile by creating a file:
 ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile.
 Note that just the first one of these is executed thus differing
 of the logic of csh initialization.
 ~/.bash_login is not executed specially for login shells
 and if .bash_profile exists, it is not executed at all!

 debug: put in the 1st line: #!/bin/bash -x

 other commands (common options):
  tar -zcvf [destiny] [source]
  tar -zxvf [destiny] [source]
  rsync: verify remote files
  nmap -sS [host] (run as root)
  wget -r l6 -t1 [URL] (-L is just relative links)

 to see system data:
  uname -a
  ulimit -a
  df -k
  cat /etc/sysconfig/network
  netstat -nr
  netstat -a
  cat /etc/inetd.conf
  cat /proc/meminfo
  cat /proc/filesystem
  cat /proc/devices
  cat /etc/passwd

 to cleanup dos files:
  vi   :  :%s/^V^M//g
  shell:  sed `s/^V^M//g` foo>foo.new

 other commands (common options):
  tar -zcvf [destiny] [source]
  tar -zxvf [destiny] [source]
  rsync: verify remote files
  nmap -sS [host] (run as root)
  nmap -sT [host] -P0
  wget -r l6 -t1 [URL] (-L is just relative links)

 # isolate process
 ps -def | grep Xvnc | grep -v grep | awk -F" " '{print $2}'

 # crontab
 # to see
 crontab -l
 # to edit
 export EDITOR=vi;crontab -e

# crontab format:
# 0       0       *       *       *       calendar
# ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^
# |       |       |       |       |       |
# 1       2       3       4       5       6

# (1) minutes             (0 a 59)
# (2) hour                (0 a 23)
# (3) day                 (1 a 31)
# (4) month               (1 a 12)
# (5) day of the week     (0 a 6, where 0 is Sunday)
# (6) command (it's good to redirect output to /dev/null)

# * means all possible values
# - means a range

# example:
# 0,10,20,30,40,50        *       *       *       rmtrash

# rmtrash will be executed each 10 minutes

# to check encoding:
file -i >file<

# to list available encoding to convert
iconv -l

# to convert encoding
iconv -f >old encode< -t >new encode< >input.file< -o >output.file<

 # Git - cheat sheet

 # to use ssl connection, create a ssh key and upload the public key to git repository
 git clone git@<site>:<username>/<project>.git # clone using SSL
 git add -A
 git commit -m <message>
 git log # to see all commits
 git push origin main
 # or
 git push origin master

 # commit messages
 The commit type can include the following:

 feat – a new feature is introduced with the changes
 fix – a bug fix has occurred
 chore – changes that do not relate to a fix or feature and don't modify src or test files (for example updating dependencies)
 refactor – refactored code that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
 docs – updates to documentation such as a the README or other markdown files
 style – changes that do not affect the meaning of the code, likely related to code formatting such as white-space, missing semi-colons, and so on.
 test – including new or correcting previous tests
 perf – performance improvements
 ci – continuous integration related
 build – changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
 revert – reverts a previous commit

 Reference: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-write-better-git-commit-messages/

 # Debian static IP configuration
 Reference: https://linuxhint.com/debian-static-ip-configuration/


 # The primary network interface
 # allow-hotplug enp0s3
 auto enp0s3
 iface enp0s3 inet static

 then reboot the computer

 # Add user to sudoers
 usermod -aG sudo <user>
 groups <user> # to verify

 # Samba
 apt install samba
 apt install cifs-utils # to mount external smb shares

 # /etc/samba/smb.conf - basic sharing

  allow insecure wide links = yes
  log file = /var/log/samba/%m
  log level = 1
  name resolve order = lmhosts wins host bcast
 workgroup = WORKGROUP

   # This share requires authentication to access
   path = /home/<user>
   read only = no
   follow symlinks = yes
   wide links = yes

 # create a smb user to access the shares
 smbpasswd -a <user>

 # sha generation (in this example, using sha512sum)
 echo <statement>|sha512sum

 # Python
 # virtual environment
 # create
 python -m venv <myEnvironment>
 # activate
 source <myEnvironment>/bin/activate
 # deactivate

 # install npm
 apt install npm

 # npm commands
 npm install # Install a package
 npm uninstall # Remove a package
 npm unstar # Remove an item from your favorite packages

 # install yarn - https://www.sitepoint.com/yarn-vs-npm/
 npm install -g yarn

 # install a new version of Node
 npm install -g n
 n lts

 npm update [-g <pkg>]

 # docker commands
 docker image ls
 docker run [-p <host_port>:<container_port>] [-v <host_folder>:<container_folder>] <container>
 docker ps
 docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash # or other command
 docker stop <container>
 docker build -t <image-tag>
 docker login --username <username>
 docker push <image-tag>

 # docker-compose
 docker-compose up

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