Canoa Quebrada 2023 December – Goals
My goals for this trip were:
- meet close local friends;
- help local social projects;
- live Canoa Quebrada routine;
- go to the beaches.
Canoa Quebrada routine
Canoa Quebrada should be the place that I came more frequently, as it is located just a few hours by bus from Fortaleza.
I don’t come here for the tourism, but to live a different routine, have new ideas in a different environment, and meet all of my friends here.
Usually, it is a tradition for me to come here in June (for the São João party), and at Christmastime.
This year, I came to Canoa in 2023 January (instead of 2022 Christmas because I came with a friend of mine), and 2023 June.
I come now to spend Christmas night with friends, and also to help a few social projects I contribute.
Help local social projects
The reason I contribute to some few social projects here from time to time is that I have known this town for almost 30 years, and I feel that I have to return just a little, as everyone here gave me so much all the pastimes.
And, to be clear, it is not about money, but all the social interactions, a long friendship, learning with pals, people who need, etc.
It is not just at Christmastime, there are a few events during the year too, that I also donate.
Remote Work
I wrote the post Great Resignation Career Transition, in 2023 September, about a decision to postpone my career as a digital nomad, reasons explained there.
Instead, I decided to focus on getting a remote work based in Fortaleza, where I live nowadays, making just short trips.
While I still don’t know exactly what to do, I’m abandoning some options and focusing on others that seem more interesting to me.
A close friend told me:
You don’t have to rush as you’ve already had a passive income.
And he is right.
Canoa Quebrada 2023 December – Conclusion
Goals conclusion:
- meet close local friends – OK;
- help local social projects – OK. The best part is to see the happiness in people’s eyes;
- live Canoa Quebrada routine – OK;
- go to the beaches – OK.
The only problem in this trip was the fact I lost my Brazilian ID somewhere, and I will need to obtain a new one returning to Fortaleza.
The New year is now close, and I hope all the best to everyone in 2024.
- Bus ticket: Buson
- Hosting: Pousada Califórnia
- Guia de Destinos – Canoa Quebrada (in Portuguese)
- Canoa Quebrada category